If you actually know me, you've been following my blog for some time, or even if you just started reading then you know that I have a passion for food. You can say I'm a foodie. Yes, I'm that person that must take pictures of everything she eats (only if it's pretty). I enjoy documenting what I eat and sharing it too. I love critiquing food and finding ways to make it even better. I have a passion for good food. No, that doesn't always mean the healthiest of food. I believe in eating well, but also treating yourself to what you want too. It's all about moderation and balance. Some days you eat super healthy and others you fall off the tracks and enjoy your favorite pizza. And you know what- it's totally okay to enjoy that piece of pizza every once in awhile. Here you can find my foodie adventures including recipes I've made, things I've eaten, and recipes I want to try.
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