Hello Winter Break!
This semester flew by! I really feel like it was just Labor Day weekend and I had just finished my first four days of the semester. This semester was definitely one of the best ones I have had yet. I accomplished several goals, made some new friends, strengthened previous friendships , created some new goals, and made lots of memories along the way.
Today's post is about what I could not have survived this semester without.
One: Agenda
This semester was incredibly busy. If it weren't for my planner I would have be lost! This year I went with Lily Pulitzer's jumbo agenda. At first I regretted it because of how large it is, but now I am so grateful for how large it is. I loved being able to write my daily to do lists, meetings, and assignments in it. I color coded it to help keep everything as organized as possible. If something isn't written in my agenda, then I won't remember it.
Two: Family and Friends
These are the people who kept me sane the past few months. When school and life got challenging they were the ones to give me advice and encourage me to keep going. They also were the ones to remind me to make time for myself and to have fun. I take my grades very seriously and sometimes I forget to have fun. This semester definitely allowed for a lot of fun times. I am thankful for the people I was able to spend time with when I wasn't busy with sorority functions or school work.
As I mentioned above, this semester I strengthened some friendships. These friendships I'm referring to are the ones I have with my sorority sisters. I knew some of these women for the past year, but it wasn't until this past semester that I truly got to know them. They were always there for me and allowed me to crash at their apartments whenever I needed to (Commuter Problems!).
I also formed new friendships too. This semester I met a great group of women who are in my major, we had just about every class together. It was refreshing to meet some people who had similar values and a strong work ethic like I do. I would not have survived the numerous group projects, this semester entailed, if it weren't for these ladies.
Three: Caffeine
Sometimes I didn't get as much sleep as I needed, so on those days I was quite dependent on caffeinated beverages. They helped me get through some very busy days! I still don't know how to make my own coffee with a coffee pot, but I do know how I like my coffee- lots of cream and sugar!
Four: Music
This semester, like the previous two, was filled with lots of driving. I had two field placements, each were a little less than an hour away, so I spent a lot of time driving to those and school. I enjoy driving, but listening to good music makes the ride much more enjoyable. Pandora and Spotify definitely came to my rescue.
Five: Blogging
Blogging..I did not publish my own posts that often this semester. My blogging took the back burner for a little bit, but I continued to read some of my favorite bloggers' posts. I frequently seen my study breaks checking out what everyone else had been publishing. I love to write my own posts, but I also LOVE reading what other people have to say as well. It definitely gave me a lot of inspiration and ideas for when I finally would get the time to write again.
During Winter Break I plan to make blogging a priority again!