
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Life Unfiltered

Happy Saturday! 

I'm excited for a weekend filled with family time, but I'm also sad to say goodbye to spring break! It's been so long since I shared a post with you! And I think part of that has been me trying to figure out what direction I want to take with my blog. Today I'm here to share with you some real talk and my current head space. 

This break has been absolutely what I needed- time to take care of me and not worry about anyone or anything else. Eep- I know that sounds selfish but hear me out. If you know me or have been following along for the past six years, then you know that I am an absolute go getter. My grandmother always tells me that I don't like to let the grass grow under my feet for too long, and I have to say she is pretty accurate with that observation.  

At the age of twenty-five I am a second year middle school teacher, a high school field hockey coach, a club field hockey coach, an advisor for a chapter of my sorority, a soon to be wife (December 2019), a sister, a daughter, a friend, a virtual fitness coach, a dog mom, a grad student, and the list could continue on but I will spare you. Anyways, you get the point.. I'm a busy woman with goals. A lot of what I do requires me to put others first, and I'm not going to lie- I frequently forget to take time to take care of me. This is something that I have been working to improve upon the last two and a half months. Pretty much when I turned twenty-five I took some time to reflect on where I've been, where I'm at, and where I want to be. This reflection helped me realize that I am doing so many great things, but by not making myself a priority in my own life.  

I've slowly but surely been finding ways to make time for me through focusing on what makes me feel good. The answer has been making changes to live a healthier lifestyle. I have taken on working out six days a week for twenty minutes and being more mindful about what I fuel my body with. I've also worked to carve out time to do other things for me like reading books that help me grow personally and professionally. Along the way, I have shared bits and pieces of my journey, but I've been nervous to share whole heartedly in fear of what others thought or what they would say.  In a world where we share everything via social media, it can be difficult not to fall into the comparison trap. It is so easy for us to compare where we are at in life with the people on our feeds who are filtering what they show us.  It is so important to put that idea of filtering into perspective. Most people only share the really great things in life not the things they are struggling with. Consequently, we then view their lives as these flawless wonders while we are riding the struggle bus every day. It's taken me awhile to get to this realization. This made me think about the images that I share with others, and how my goal is to not be perfect but to be real. I want everyone to see that life is messy, but these daily struggles are what shape who we are. 

So with all of this being said, I am back to the direction and purpose of my blog. I'm here to provide you with real talk, real bits of life, and help you conquer every high and low. I want to share with you how nobody is perfect and despite the front that we all put up, we are each fighting something.  From an outsider's perspective, I'm sure it looks like I have my life together. But on the inside, I'm just a twenty something trying to figure out who I am and what makes me tick. 

If you get nothing else from my rant of a post, then take with you the fact that your life is so unique from the person that you are comparing yourself to and you need to be proud of you are and what struggles you have faced.