
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What I Know For Shore

Happy Tuesday everyone. The good news is that you only have to survive a four day week before you get another fun-filled weekend! 

Hey, it's me- Michaela! You may have forgotten who I am because I have become the world's worst blogger. Neglectful bloggers just seem to be the new trend.  Over the past few months I have continued reading my favorite bloggers' posts, but they definitely have also been guilty of falling into the forgetting to post trap too.  Well guess what, in my hiatus I have learned a few things that I wanted to share with you about blogging.

I still love blogging.  Despite not publishing, I have actually been creating new content. 
You can be on the look out for two to three posts per week! 

It is essential to have a creative outlet in this crazy busy life. The weeks when I was busy, I felt myself not taking time to just take a step back to breathe.  

It's best to always stay true to your brand. Part of the reason I have been MIA was because I was losing my creative spark, and I could feel myself slipping away from what I stand for. 

I am so ready to re-connect with everyone in the blogging community- readers, brands, and other bloggers. 

In light of my blogging reflection, I felt that it was only appropriate to debut again with a post that highlighted my blog. Originally What I Know For Shore posts was a place where I shared honest things and facts about who I am.  Moving forward, it's going to turn into a weekly life update. It's punny and allows me the flexibility to share with you whatever I want! 

My first semester of grad school concluded during the first week of this month.  The last few weeks of the semester were jam packed with tons of reading, research, papers, and projects. I definitely did a little happy dance when I submitted my last assignment for each class. Needless to say I have been able to breath the past few weeks. I don't think I realized how time consuming my classes actually were.  My next class starts tomorrow, but it is 100% online so it shouldn't be too time consuming. There is definitely something to be said for not having to spend three hours every Monday afternoon in class. 

As far as teaching goes, it is definitely survival mode. We are down to our final three weeks, and there is so much going on between field trips, field days, end of the year awards, final exams, elementary to middle school transitions, and middle to high school transitions.  It is still hard to believe that I have (almost) survived my first full year of teaching. The time has seriously flown by! I am doing my best to make the last few weeks productive but fun for the students.  The good news is that there are only two more Mondays left in the year! 

As I sit here making my to do list for the week, I can't help but admit that this weekend definitely made it feel like summer has already arrived.  Being able to wake up three days in a row without an alarm has been amazing. This weekend I was able to soak up some sunshine on the back deck, read for pleasure, take a trip to beach and outlets with my family, get some cleaning done, watch the final games of the 2018 college lacrosse season, attend my favorite class at the gym, and get a little school work done. 


It's no secret that I do not read enough during the school year. Most of the time you can catch me reading something my students are reading, papers written by kids, or The Skimm.  When  I finally make time to read it's right before bed.  This means that I end up reading the same few pages over and over again night after night.  I have been reading Nine Women One Dress off and on since Spring Break.  It's a great light read.  I highly recommend it if you like a romance novel. 

Watching: Southern Charm
Anyone else obsessed with this show? I am a sucker for anything on BRAVO TV, but this show is my absolute favorite. It's the perfect combination of humor, reality tv, and a little southern life. Last summer, my family took a vacation to Charleston, South Carolina, which makes me enjoy the show even more. It's always fun to see places where we went while staying there. 

Goal Setting
It's no secret that exercising is my sanity outlet. It helps me relieve stress and find balance in life. It provides me with a mental and physical release that keeps me going.  Sadly, I've allowed the craziness of the year take away the time that I would normally spend working out. My goal is to fuel my body with healthy foods and workout three times each week.  

The warm weather has arrived, so I can finally wear dresses again! Dresses are the best because they require very little effort in the mornings. All I have to do is pair it with a cardigan and a cute pair of shoes. If you need a new dress, then I suggest you checkout the JCrew Factory sale. This weekend I was able to find a dress for $30! 
Here are a few of my favorites right now: Option one, option two, and option three.   

Thanks for coming back to read! Feel free to comment with any posts you'd like to read in the upcoming weeks!

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