Monday, January 9, 2017

Winter Workouts

Working out in the winter can be quite difficult. It's cold out and bing watching a series on Netflix, in your warm home, just sounds much more appealing than venturing out to the gym. The motivation piece is minimal, which makes a huge difference in the likelihood that you'll get a workout in. Additionally, your preferred workout method might be stopped thanks to the weather. If you're a runner, then you definitely know what I'm talking about. I like to run, but not when the temperature ventures down past the forties and it's raining or snowing.  

I think everyone has hit this winter slump before, but no need to worry. Today I'm here to provide you with a little inspiration and options for winter workouts!

Option 1:
Head over to the app store on your phone or iPad and download some fitness apps. These will allow you to workout from the comfort of your home.  

This is my go to app for when I'm home or in a place where I don't have gym access.  You can choose the type of workout and length.  The app shows you how to do each body weight exercise and times out the length you should complete the exercise for.  These workouts require zero resources, which makes them great when you are traveling or don't have any workout equipment at home. 

This is another great app.  These workouts are all considered to be high intensity interval training workouts.  This app is similar to Sworkit, but it provides you with different series of exercises. 

This is a free app that provides you with yoga classes at home.  I've never used this app personally, but I've read great reviews on it. There are over 3,500 classes in various styles and levels available for you to try. 

Option 2:
Try a new workout video.  This requires very little equipment and allows you to stay home in the warmth.  There are so many great workout videos to try that are free, thanks to YouTube. 

Option 3:
Need some inspiration for the gym? Switch up your workout and head to a class. January is the perfect time to try a class.  It's the beginning of the year and lots of resolutioners (who are new to the gym) are filling up the classes. This means you won't be the only newbie in the class.  Most instructors give you the free pass to leave mid way through the class if you don't like it! 
Some classes to consider taking:

-Body Pump
-Kick Boxing

I started going to spin class and absolutely love it. It's a fun way to workout plus it's almost a full body workout. The only thing that would make it better would be if it incorporated more arms and core work.  The upbeat music and the ability to workout at your own pace are the two aspects I truly enjoy. I've also tried yoga and pilates classes. Both of them are great, but you need the right instructor to really like it. 

What's your go to workout during the cold winter months?


  1. Spin is one of my favorite classes! I am training for a 10k so I usually go to spin on my cross-training days. I feel crazy sore afterwards but it's so worth it!

    Hannah |

  2. Thanks for sharing these workouts! Barre is getting so popular!

  3. These sound so fun! I usually stick to the old running on the treadmill method.

    Alix |

  4. I pretty much only work out at home during the Winter because I'm far too lazy to drag myself to the gym when it's freezing outside! Some of my favorite workouts are ones I can do in my living room!

  5. I love doing blogilates, it is such great work and I can do it right in my dorm room!

  6. Thanks for sharing! I have to try out those apps, especially for when it's too cold to go for my morning run.

  7. Working out in the winter so SO HARD. Is it me or is it 10x harder to breathe because it's cold out? I love doing Blogilates when I'm too cold to head out to the gym!
    Amy | Pastel N Pink

  8. youtube workout vids are my go-to! i hate working out so i usually give up like 10 mins in haha but they are good inspiration x

  9. I have been slower than I'd like in getting back into an exercising routine now that the holidays are over. I do a mix between Zumba and an excerise bike and elliptical.

  10. I love cycling and doing BBG workouts! The BBG workouts kick my butt, and I have modified the workouts so I can do them with little equipment! I love the workout you put together, I might have to try it!

  11. I love finding new workouts on YouTube! I always type in my time limit first (15, 20, 30 min) and then usually do HIIT and always find some awesome workouts!

  12. Definitely bookmarking this! I hate having to walk to the gym in the winter!

    Kayla |

  13. I love finding new workouts I can do from home. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thanks for sharing :) Love new workout ideas!


    Hannah from HMS Jewels
