Thursday, January 5, 2017

Puppy Update

Brody at three months old.
It's really crazy how fast time flies by! I cannot believe how long Brody has been in my life and the large impact he has had on me for being so small. 

We've had this little fluff ball for almost three months now, and we are finally in a routine.  He adjusted pretty quickly to my daily routine, but house training him took a little longer to catch on.  By early November, he was pretty much accident free! He now even makes it through the night without being in his kennel. However, there were some days when I thought he would never be able to go a day without having an accident inside. 
He loves to cuddle in bed. 

As far as training goes.. He now is able to sit, lay down, and give paw on command (most of the time). He is working on not jumping on people and sitting while waiting for food. He is partially bell trained to go outside, but this is still a bit of a work in progress. 

The day Brody came home with us!
Brody is a little over five months old, and his personality is definitely shining through. He is funny, smart, playful, and loves to cuddle. I actually think he thinks he is still the fifteen pound puppy he was when we brought him home. At thirty plus pounds, he still tries to sit on my lap and cuddle up like he is still small.  He now weighs over double what he did when we got him! This means that he eats more, goes to the bathroom more, and has even more energy than ever before. 

He has gotten so much better about walking on the leash. Early on, he would try to chew the leash or just run in circles around me while we were walking.  Now he walks to my left at a brisk pace and only stops to smell the yards where dogs live in our neighborhood.  He is just beginning to jog with me, which will make my runs around the neighborhood more fun. 

When Brody was four months old, my parents brought home their own Mini Goldendoodle puppy, Graham.  Initially, the two of them had a rough start. They struggled over who was more dominant.  One month later it's a whole different story. The two of them are inseparable. When one leaves to go for a car ride or a walk around the block, the other one whimpers and stares outside the whole time.  They love to wrestle around the house, play tug of war, and lay by the fire together.  Have two puppies at once has definitely been a challenge for my family, but it has also brought us lots of happiness as well as  love. 
Brody and Graham taking a puppy nap. 

I've always grown up having dogs. When I was ten years old my parents helped me buy a Yorkie for my birthday. I did almost all of the research on different breeds and breeders. I found an ad for puppies in a newspaper, which lead to us bringing home Riley.  I always called him "my dog", but in reality he was our family pet.  This time around things are different. Brody is actually MY (and Todd's) puppy.  Having him has already taught me how to be responsible for something other than myself.  Puppies are a lot of work, it's not always cuddles and smiles. My parents are very helpful and watch Brody when I am out.. they love having a grand puppy they can spoil. Sharing him with Todd also makes things much easier too.  
Twinning in their Christmas sweaters.

I'm excited to see what the next few months have in store as Brody grows even bigger.  He has the potential double the size he is now! Some of our next adventures will include going to the groomer, getting fixed, and going to my brother's college lacrosse games. 

Our second family photo together.
Remember to follow Brody's adventures on his Instagram!



  1. Oh my goodness, how adorable!!!! My husband and I adopted a dog about 6 years ago and we love her so much! My husband is starting to want another dog now, preferably a hunting dog!

  2. Oh man I am loving this entire post!! More puppy pictures please! ;) Haha. Brody is so stinkin' cute and that picture of him and Graham snuggling is so sweet!

  3. He is the cutest dog!!! I love goldendoodles!

  4. Talk about falling involve with that adorable face. What a cutie you have on your hands. Amazing how much and fast they grow.

  5. oh my GOD that is the most adorable dog!! i can't believe he's still going to be bigger!

  6. OMG Brody is absolutely adorable! I love his Christmas PJs my dog got the same ones! :)

  7. Aw Brody is adorable!! That's so awesome that he has a little friend with your parent's dog. :-) I hope to get a pet in the next couple years.

    xoxo A

  8. Your puppy is so darling! I love that type of breed!

  9. I have a goldendoodle too! His name is Cooper and he's 12 weeks old haha. He's totally gonna look just like your pup when he's all grown up bc he has the same coloring. I can't wait to see what he looks like at 6 months.

  10. He is so adorable! I always have had dogs growing up as well, they are such a huge part of the family and are so loving and bring so much joy to life! Thank you for sharing a puppy update I cant wait to see more pics of him as he gets older!

    xo Courtney Drew

  11. Oh my god give me all the puppy pictures in the world! SO CUTE!

  12. Your puppy is so cute, it's killing me! Having a dog is hard but they become your best friends!

    Greta |

  13. Oh my, how he's grown! Such a cutie pup!

  14. WHAT A CUTIE. And thank goodness he's taking better to house training!

    Coming Up Roses

  15. Oh goodness, he's such a cutie! We've been thinking of getting a pup, but with a little one on the way I'm not so sure now's the best time.
