Friday, January 6, 2017

This Week's Top 10

1. Spin class has become my new favorite thing.  I've gone three times this week and absolutely love it.  It's a fun way to workout plus it's almost a full body workout. The only thing that would make it better would be if it incorporated more arms and core work.  The upbeat music and the ability to workout at your own pace are the two aspects I truly enjoy.

2. The Lilly Pulitzer after sale started yesterday. Depending what time you're reading this, you might be able to catch the end of the sale. It ends at 1pm on Friday.  The line was the worst I have ever seen it. I logged on at 8 and my number in line didn't change for about 2+ hours.  I ended up trying again later on in the afternoon and was able to score a few items I have been eyeing up for quite some time. Shop the sale here

3. This has been my go to snack this week to curb my sweet tooth after lunch/dinner.

4.Be sure to checkout my January playlist, if you haven't done so yet. It's a great pump up playlist for the weekend!

5.Checkout this video and this one (recipe here) for quick tutorials for quick healthy meals.

6. I've been eying this sleeping mask from J.Crew. It matches my one pajama set perfectly.

7. Have you made your goals for the month of resolutions for the year? I chose to do a 101 things in 1001 days list this year! It's crazy to think that once I finish it I will be 25 going on 26!

8. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, Collateral Beauty looks like a good movie to see.

9. I'm searching for a good granola bar to eat before heading to the gym. I'd love to hear any suggestions you have!

10.We had our first snow of winter come last night. It was exciting to wake up to the three inch dusting! Due to the chilly weather and snow, today's outfit will look something like this.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Love Boomchicka pop popcorn! Need to try that flavor!! Also spin is one of my favorite workouts! Can't wait to go to a class once I'm cleared for full exercise! One of my favorite bars are Kind bars..they're light, yet filling and only made with good, clean ingredients..holds me off till after my workout!

  2. I HAVE to eat a bar before I head to the gym or else I seriously regret it. I usually have a Kind Bar (Red package or orange) and a clementine. It's light and easy to eat while I drive to the gym. Hope this helps!

  3. dark chocolate sea salt kettle corn omfg are you serious?? I NEED THAT NOW bless you for sharing this find

  4. Totally going to check out your playlist! I love seeing what others are listening to!

  5. Cute bow! I'll have to check out the playlist!
    -Anna |

  6. I want to try #7 SO SO bad!! You've inspired me, maybe I'll be able to apply it this year lol!

  7. Spinning is my favorite! I need to get back to doing it!

  8. The After Party Sale was SO insane!!! I had to wait 4 hours to get on. But the deals were amazing as always!

    xoxo A

  9. We had our first snow on Friday afternoon, and it was magical!

  10. I love spin class, it is such a great workout and feels so good!

  11. We had snow over the weekend too - I need it to snow again tonight so I can have another day off work!

  12. I love your bow! I really like Lola granola bars. And some of the profits go to homeless shelters.

  13. I really really want to see Collateral Beauty!
