Thursday, June 28, 2018

How to Pack for the Beach

It's no secret that I love spending time at the beach, especially during the summer months. One of the perks to being a teacher is having the summer months "off".  Not many teachers I know are ever actually off the entire summer. Most of us stay busy whether we like it or not between working part time (maybe even full time for some), planning for the upcoming year, taking classes, teaching extended school year during July, doing curriculum development days, etc.  As for me, this summer I am not working full time, but I am staying busy thanks to nannying, catching up with friends, curriculum development, reading some books to stay current with my students, during June I took a class, and I am prepping to coach high school field hockey.  With all that is going on I do have some free time, but it never comes two days in a row.  This upcoming week is actually the only time that I have seven full days in a row with absolutely nothing on my calendar. I am taking full advantage of this by heading down to the beach for ten whole days. I could not be happier heading down for some much needed rest, relaxation, and fun!

With any trip comes the need to pack.  I don't know about you, but I am definitely an over packer. I always like to be prepared. Going to the beach you never know exactly what you are going to encounter as far as weather or festivities go.   I think this provides a reasonable explanation for overpacking, but regardless of the excuses I make,I'm really trying to pack more efficiently. Realistically, I know that I am going to spend the most time in my bathing suit/cover up, so I am taking very few dressed up looks. I plan to spend my mornings working out followed by blogging at a local coffee shop, and then I hope to spend most afternoons/ early evenings soaking up the sun on the beach. 

One: Think about your itinerary
It's important to think about what you will actually be doing on your trip before you begin packing. This ensures that you have the right types of clothing for whatever you may be doing, and it helps you make sure nothing is forgotten. 

Two: Create your essentials list
It's important to make a list of the essentials you will need because these won't change. When I make an essentials list it usually includes items like under garments, pajamas, sneakers, sandals, bathing suits, and toiletries. 

Three: Mix and match
This is my favorite and most difficult part of the whole packing experience. I like to do this once all of my laundry is clean and put away. I begin to think about what I will be doing and take out possible outfits I could wear. I then begin to narrow it down based on what my favorites are. I try to pick items that can be worn several different ways. This gives me more options when I'm away. 

Four: Lay it all out to view
This is a very important step to making sure nothing is forgotten. It also serves as a check point to see if you have over packed. Ask yourself what do I have duplicates of and what am I forgetting.  Seeing everything laid out also helps to visualize what luggage is best to use for your trip.  

Five: Pack it Up
Put it all in your luggage and enjoy the trip!


What's in your bag for your next beach trip?

Monday, June 25, 2018

Shore Life Weekly Update

Happy Monday! It’s officially been one week since my summer break has started. After completing my first full year of teaching, I completely understand why teachers need the summers off. The school year is non stop, and it’s not until you literally stop that you look back and realize this. I think back to some of my weeks, and I’m still not quite sure how I managed. This past week has taught me how much sleep I deprived myself of, how much I missed working out regularly, and that I’m ready to get back to my creative outlet (blogging).

I started the first week of summer in what felt like a full on sprint. You would think I’d ease into things and give myself a break, but nope I did merely the opposite. On Monday, the week began by going for a run just a couple short miles around my neighborhood. I then dropped Brody off at the groomer and cleaned my room. I spent the afternoon nannying for the family I’ve been with for the past five summers. Monday night was filled with a cycle class, wedding prep for my best friend’s wedding, and some ice cream to celebrate my grandma’s 87th birthday.

Tuesday morning I ran a few errands, and then headed over to finalize some things for Friday’s wedding. Think-repurposing pallets, table cards, table numbers, photo frames, fairy lights, emergency runs to Target, and a lot of Pinterest inspiration. The afternoon was spent picking the boys up from camp and babysitting them. At night. I was able to make it to my summer league field hockey game and get in a good sweat sesh.

Wednesday was the last day before we left for the wedding weekend. I woke up that morning and made a list of  everything that needed to get done, and it was one of those rare times where I actually felt more anxious from creating the list...normally writing lists brings me a sense of calming. Some how before two I managed to finish my work of the week for my grad class, clean the bathroom, finish up some laundry, attend cycle class at the gym, schedule a spray tan, pack for the weekend, finish some last minute crafting, and draft my maid of honor speech. The afternoon was spent with my best friend and our moms doing a little pre wedding self care with manicures and pedicures. I left the nail bar and headed out to get my first spray tan, my dress for the wedding was backless, and thanks to spending my weekends in May coaching I had some awful tan lines. I was apprehensive since I had never gotten a spray tan before, but the experience was much better and the results were definitely worth it. Wednesday night was spent having a few drinks with my best friend and then finializing  a few things for the weekend.

Thursday morning I woke up, packed, the car, and Todd and I were on our way up to the wedding. There’s just something about a long car ride with the windows down, some good music, and good company that brings joy. Life has been so hectic, so our ride up was the perfect time to catch up on life and do a little wedding planning of our own. Once we got to the hotel, things got pretty crazy pretty quickly between unpacking the cars, meetings with the wedding coordinators, completing last minute crafting, solving a room issue, and primping for the rehearsal.

Thursday night’s rehearsal and Friday’s wedding festivities were filled with so much love and all the feels. It couldn’t be more apparent how much my best friend and her now husband truly love each other. Despite a little rain, everything turned out absolutely beautiful. I still feel so blessed to have been able to play such a large role in their special day.

Saturday morning we packed up, said our goodbyes to everyone, and began our trip home. While all I wanted to do was to spend the day cuddled up in bed binge watching something on Netflix, that was far from an option for Todd and me. We unpacked, changed, got some espresso, and were quickly headed back out to celebrate another friends’ milestone, their engagement and going away party. It was great to catch up with my sorority sisters and friends from college, and celebrate two people who mean so much to us. Another set of friends moving across the country to chase their dreams pretty much sums up life right now. I love that I’m at the point where the people I care about are fianlly able to go out there and do the things they have been talking about doing for years. Sure it’s  sad to watch the people leave, but it’s also exciting because that’s another place to travel and explore!

Sadly, I did a horrible job taking pictures last week. I'm hoping to be better next week though!

Reading: The end of the school year had me reading final papers and grading tests, but yesterday I did finally finish Nine Women, One DressI by Jane L. Rosen. Confession- I've read this book off and on since the end of spring break. It was a great read, I just did not make enough time to read. With that being said, I'm searching for great books to read this summer. Feel free to send your recommendations my way!

Drinking: I've been drinking tons of water, but every now and then I like to mix it up a bit. Last week I discovered Starbucks' Strawberry Iced Green Tea. It is light, refreshing, and low in calories.

Loving: This sounds so silly, but I have been loving my spray tan.  I had never gotten one before, but I was impressed with how well it turned out.  My tan lines were almost all covered up. If you're in Eastern Pennsylvania and looking for a good place, let me know!