Friday, January 13, 2017

A Reintroduction

Four years ago (tomorrow) I created my blog.  It's crazy to think back to when I started, how much I know now, and to think ahead at the potential that my site still has. A lot can happen in four years.  Some of you have been following along from the very beginning, and others have just started following my journey through life. I thought it would be neat to give you a little reintroduction as to who I am, what has changed, and why I blog. 

Four years ago, when I started my blog, I was reflecting on my first semester of college. I realized that there was something missing in my life.  College wasn't providing me with the chance to be creativity, and I was searching for a way to fulfill this void. This is wear the idea of creating my own blog came into play.  I had been reading blogs for some time, at that point, and I felt ready to take the plunge into my own blog. At the time I knew very little about blogging, but thanks to a little bit of trail and error mixed with Pinterest I've come a long way.

Since the start of my blog, I have developed into more of a young woman rather than a adolescent.  I transferred schools, changed majors, joined a sorority, and became a field hockey coach rather than a player. Talking about changes, I think my overall style has developed over the course of the past few years too.

So where am I now?
Well, my name is Michaela. I'm a recent college graduate. I graduated from West Chester University in December as a Middle Grades Education major. I'm currently searching for a full time teaching position somewhere (fairly) close to home.  In the mean time, I'm working on becoming a substitute teacher for schools in the local area.  I have hopes of starting grad school part time at some point within the next year.  Who knows what direction my career will take me, but I'm excited to begin working and taking the big step into adulting.  I am working to get back in shape- one spin class and run on the treadmill at a time.  It's been a work in progress, but my love for fitness is just blossoming.  I still play field hockey from time to time in adult leagues around my area, but I don't play nearly as much as I did four years back.  I spend more time on the court/field coaching than I do playing these days. It's brought a whole new love of the game for me.

My favorite flowers are peonies and hydrangeas.  I am a foodie.  I love to cook food, eat food, critique food, find new recipes, take pictures of food, watch cooking shows, and read cooking magazines.  I'm slowly becoming a better cook, but I'm blessed to live at home with a mom who makes some fantastic food... so I don't cook all that much right now. While we're talking about food, a few of my favorites are sushi, macaroons, pasta, and ice-cream.  (some things don't change) In less than a month I will be closer to 25 than I will to 20, but yet I still haven't found my signature drink outside of a glass of champagne.

I'm slowly learning how to work my Nikon D3100, but let's be real I haven't had much time to actually learn how to use it properly. My style has definitely evolved over the years. I'd say you can catch me in athleisure, northeastern preppy clothing, or a pajama set on any given day.

Something that has stayed the same the past four years is my relationship with Todd. We're still together after six plus years.  This year we purchased a puppy together, Brody.  He's a Goldendoodle and such a fun dog.  In case you missed it, you can learn more about Brody here. Currently, we are learning how to co-puppy parent.  I'm sure there will be more details on this to come in the future!

So what direction is the blog headed?
I'd like to continue to grow my blog into something larger than it currently is. I'm hoping that this post grad life will allow me more time to publish posts regularly because we all know this is something I've struggled with this past year. The past four years, my blog has had a major focus on college related items.  I'd say that's pretty natural since this is a lifestyle blog, and college was pretty much consuming my life.  So back to the whole lifestyle blog thing. I'm envisioning publishing content that is still relevant to my life as a twenty something who is trying to figure out this whole adulting thing.  This means a little bit of fashion, some organization,  recipes, advice, encouragement, and more.  I'd love to hear what content YOU would like to read in the future! Feel free to comment below with your requests.

Before I end today's post I just wanted to say a quick thank you. Thank you to my mom for her constant support, motivation, and inspiration when I'm having writer's block.  A thank you to Todd for the occasional photography. Last but not least, a huge thank you to all of you who have been reading and commenting whether it's been all four years or you're just reading today for the first time. All of this support has encouraged me to keep blogging on the days when I question if this is all worth the time and effort I dedicate to it.  One of my favorite parts of blogging is the interaction I get to have with all of you.  The networking is so fun and has taught me a lot!

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. So nice to "meet" you! Can't wait to see where the blog takes you over the course of the year!

    Greta |

  2. Congrats on all the big changes in your life and on your blog's birthday! Can't wait to see where your blog takes you.

  3. Congratulations and wish you all the best! I am sure your blog will take you places, keep working hard.

  4. Congrats on four years! Can't wait to see where your blog takes you in the years to follow!

  5. I loved getting to know you a little bit through your post! Congrats on 4 years! To many, many more years! :)

    Jiawun |

  6. Happy 4 year bloggaversary! You've obviously really been coming into your own over the last 4 years and it's so cool to be a part of seeing that happen as a reader!

  7. Wow, 4 years seems like forever- Im only 56 months into mine. I love this idea though, re-introducing yourself to people that may have joined you along the way and not known you from the start!

  8. Yay for 4 years of blogging. Doesn't 4 years feel like forever? I just celebrated my blog's "4th birthday" too. I can't even really remember what I did as a creative outlet before blogging! Cheers to many more years! <3

  9. Well this is just incredible!!! 4 years is something to be proud of! I hope you enjoy learning your camera more! I just adore playing with my camera!

  10. Congrats on 4 years of blogging - so excited to watch what the future holds for you!

  11. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I'm almost at 4 years too! Time flies. I'm excited to see what's to come.
