Friday, July 1, 2016

June Favorites

I cannot believe that June has come and gone! This means that there are only two months left of summer. Where is the time going? I still have so much I want to do this summer. The time seriously needs to slow down a little bit. 

June was a busy month filled with working my retail job, nannying, watching my brother graduate, a few good reads, celebrating my brother's graduation, studying for my PRAXIS, blogging, field hockey, hanging out with friends, celebrating birthdays, and working out. 

Here's a little recap of my favorites from June:

Reading: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes 
Yes, I've hopped on the Me Before You bandwagon. But let me tell you it is actually worth it. If you haven't read it yet, then add it to your summer reading list! The first thirty pages are a little slow, but it picks up quickly after that. The writing is pretty good and the plot makes this book the perfect beach read.  Now that I've read the book I'm interested to see if the movie is just as good.  
I plan to read some more of this author's books this summer. 

Drinking: Sangria! 
Last week my mom and I made some banging sangria for my brother's graduation party.  It was such a hit we had to make two batches! I'd share a pretty picture with y'all, but I got too caught up in socializing that I forgot to take pictures.  Anyways, if you're interested in the recipe just let me know and I can share a post with y'all soon

Watching: The Bachelorette
Confession time- I'm not loving this season at all. Jojo is a great bachelorette, but I've just found the show to be more drama filled than normal.  The boys are so caddy, which is just flat out annoying.  I do have to say that I've enjoyed watching this season's men bonding. Their bromances are comical to watch. 

Wearing: Pattern shorts and tanks
The summer heat has been pretty mild for the month of June. We've had some super hot and humid days, but we definitely haven't had as many as we usually do.  I've been wearing lots of fun pattern shorts paired with tanks this month. These outfits make running around with the kids I nanny doable and are cute/comfy. 

Listening: Pandora and Spotify
I've been alternating between the Young & Free playlist on Spotify as well as Zac Brown Band Radio on Pandora. 

Smelling: Volcano Candle
I'm #obsessed with this candle I purchased this month. It is the perfect summer scent. When I burn it, the scent carries through my house and is nothing but pleasant.  It's a little pricy, but it lasts awhile so it's totally worth spending the extra amount. 
This popcorn is the perfect summer snack. Low in calories but yet so tasty. 

What have been your favorites this month?



  1. I heard Me Before You was amazing! I need to read the book and see the movie.

  2. Isn't the Volcano candle amazing?! Also...who's your favorite guy on the Bachelorette? I love watching, too!


  3. Me Before You is AMAZING! Get ready to cry!

    Greta |

  4. I read Me Before You earlier this month and now I want to see the movie! (I've heard the book is better though so who knows.) I also totally agree with this season of The Bachelorette, I just can't see it ending well for Jojo based off the guys left!


  5. Me Before You was so good!! I thought the book was better because you get more details and ugh it's just great. Totally agree with you on the Bachelorette though; the guys have been so extra this season! I'm not really sure I have a fave guy anymore because I think they've all changed since the beginning! Great post :)

    xo, Gabby

  6. Ah the book Me Before You is on my list too!!!

  7. I've been wearing a lot of printed shorts/tank tops this summer also!!

    Alix |

  8. Yes yes yes to me before you and the bachelorette!!! I still haven't seen the movie and am dying to!

  9. I still want to read me before you!

  10. Those shorts are so stinkin' cute! Pattern shorts have been my go to this summer.
    Amy | Pastel N Pink

  11. I agree with you on the Bachelorette this season- while some of the guys have been entertaining, the drama does seem a lot more overdone then usual!

    xoxo A

  12. I'm not crazy about this season of the bachelorette either! I would LOVE to see that sangria recipe if you get around to sharing it!

    Pick Your Beau

  13. My best friend loves Me Before You! The book and the movie!

    xoxo, Candice

  14. I've become a fan of patterned shorts as well. They make getting dressed so easy!

