Wednesday, July 13, 2016

DIY Succulent Garden

It's no secret that succulents have been the plant of this summer. Everybody is talking about them, instagramming pictures, they're appearing on the tables of restaurants, and even a hot topic in popular magazines. Working at a garden center I can definitely attest to how popular these plants are.  They are incredibly easy to care for and aesthetically pleasing which definitely contributes to their appeal rate. These plants require a lot of light and a little bit of water (think desert conditions). They make for a great house plant, gift, or item to spice up your office. Succulents come in a variety of 
shapes, size, and colors.  I've created a small guide for you to create your own succulent garden. I'm not an expert, but from my personal experiences these things seem to work. 

How to create your garden:
Step 1:
Fill the bottom of your container with a small layer of pebbles. Succulent roots don't like to be sitting in large amount of water. If your pot has a drainage spot, then you won't need to line it with the pebbles. 
Step 2: 
Fill the planter with potting soil. You can fill it about an inch or two from the top of the container.
Step 3: 
Plant the succulents into the pots. They shouldn't be too tight or too lose.  The soil should be loose to allow for doing to occur. 
Step 4:
Water the succulent garden so that the soil is barely moist. Be sure to place your plant in an area with a lot of light. 

Happy planting!



  1. So cute I can't wait to own a house so I can have a huge garden.

  2. These are so cute! Love the fun little touch they can add to a room!


  3. I love succulent gardens! They're so nice and trendy!


  4. This is a super cute idea. I wish I was good with plants but I can never keep them alive.


  5. This is adorable! I love the matching pots that you have, so cute!

    xo, Gabby

  6. I'm all about succulents lately!! Love this!

  7. This is perfect! I just got some succulents as a wedding favor and need to plant them!! Bookmarking and hope to complete this diy this weekend!

    xo Ashley

  8. I got a succulent plant as a favor from a wedding last month. I had to throw it away due to little bugs that kept crawling all over it.

  9. I'm bookmarking this because I really want a succulent garden for my office. This is adorable!

  10. I just planted a bunch of succulents for my new apartment and they are the cutest little things. xx Merisa | Monogrammed Magnolias

  11. Thanks for sharing this! Love your new blog look, by the way!

  12. Succulents are so simple but they add so much to a room. Love this little DIY!

  13. This is such a cute idea! I'm going to pass this along to my aunt to do with my cousins - they'll love this!!

    Sami ||

  14. Seriously such a fun idea! Xoxo Mindy
