Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Go To Breakfasts for Summer

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important part of the meal. This meal is the one that jumpstarts your day and provides you with the energy you need to get going.  During the summer I tend to eat later in the day just because I wake up later and I don't have to rush out of the house. The laid back nature about summer allows me to spend more time making breakfast some mornings.  I like to eat a hearty and healthy breakfast that will fill me up for several hours and give me energy to get my unrealistic to do lists accomplished. 

Banana + granola bar
This is my on the go breakfast. This is what I will eat when I don't have time to sit down and eat. My go to granola bar is either a Kind Bar or Clif Bar. 

Oatmeal with fresh fruit 
Lately I have been loving McCan's Maple and Brown Sugar instant oatmeal. Instead of adding milk to cool it down, I have been opting for two tablespoons for plain yogurt.  I add a little extra flavor with fresh blueberries or strawberries. The fruit helps to fill me up and makes the meal a little sweeter. 

Avocado Toast
I seriously could write a whole post dedicated solely to avocado toasts because one there are so many ways you can make it and two I just love it so much! I like to toast a piece or two of whole wheat bread (depending how hungry I am). I usually use a quarter to half an avocado and spread it on the toast with a fork. My spreading is more like mashing the avocado.  I then add whatever toppings I can find in my fridge. In this picture I added tomatoes and a sprinkling of mozzarella cheese. If I am feeling extra hungry I'll add a fried egg on top. 
Yogurt, granola, and fruit
This is definitely one of my preferred post-workout breakfasts or if it's really hot out.  I like to use a flavored yogurt (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, etc.).  I have been using a yogurt that we get at a local farmer's market, but I also love Nosa yogurt.  Most recently I have been using Bear Naked Vanilla and Almond granola. This granola is really tasty and adds a bit of flavor to the homemade parfait.  I then top my yogurt and granola with fruit (banana/strawberries/blueberries/raspberries/mango/peaches).

I love pancakes. There are so many yummy things you can put in them to make them taste even better. This summer I have been on a blueberry pancake kick. I made them for my mom and I Sunday morning. 

Egg sandwich 
If I have a busy day where I know I won't be eating lunch until later, this is definitely my go to. I make many different kinds of breakfast sandwiches. It honestly just depends on what we have in our fridge.

 Some combinations include: 
+brie cheese/sun dried tomato pesto/egg whites/spinach
+american cheese/fried egg/ham
+cheddar cheese/egg whites/ spinach
+parmasean cheese/tomato sauce/fried egg

This is another one of my go to on the go breakfasts. Most recently my smoothies have included chocolate syrup, peanut butter, frozen strawberries, fresh blueberries, a frozen banana, a scoop of yogurt, and a little bit of milk. This is another breakfast I like to enjoy when it's really hot out or right after I workout. 

What are your go to breakfasts this summer?


  1. Yummy! I always get stuck on breakfast ideas. I love a good egg sandwich!

  2. I've been loving bagel thins and three egg whites! It's relatively low in carbs and super high in protein! Pairing it with a glass of orange juice makes it even more delicious.

  3. I always seem to run out of time for breakfast but I know how important it is. Will have to try some of these!

  4. So many yummy options! I love to have a smoothie, greek yogurt with berries or avocado toast!

    La Belle Sirene

  5. Mine is coffee and cheerios with berries! But I also love a good smoothie!

    Greta |

  6. Yummies! My go to breakfast is a fruit smoothie-- when I get sick of them I'll get bagels or English muffins. I had some whole wheat English muffins that I put avocado on... OMG so good!

  7. I love pancakes and avocado toast! I also love avocados on fried eggs!


  8. Breakfast is my FAVE MEAL OF THE DAY!! I like to make protein pancakes or scrambles eggs with turkey bacon. We always have a huge breakfast on Saturday morning and I look forward to it all week!

  9. Oh the avocado toast looks incredible! Though i can never go wrong with pancakes either. I just started getting into oatmeal.

  10. I'm so bad about eating breakfast regularly! The avocado toast is definitely something I could get down with. It sounds delicious!

  11. mmm all of those sound so good!! I love anything that has granola on it!

    Sara Kate Styling

  12. Avocado toast is life! I could have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Mmm...

  13. I love egg sandwiches on english muffins! And chocolate chip muffins!

    How 2 Wear It []
