Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday Tunes: Jocelyn Faro

I don't know about you, but where I live the weather today is quite rainy.  It has been a steady down pour since about 10 am this morning.  It's okay though, sometimes rainy days make for very productive days. This afternoon I spending time getting some blog posts done, selling old textbooks online, and doing some work for my officer position in my sorority.

As I sit here with my cup of chai getting things done I decided today was the perfect day for a Tuesday Tunes post featuring a friend of mine, Jocelyn Faro.  Jocelyn is a singer songwriter native to Maryland. Her music can be categorized as a combination of blues, folk, and pop.  She has a wonderful voice and her music has a calming sound to it. I know Jocelyn on a personal level. She and I met going into our freshman year of college.  We were both incoming freshman on our college's field hockey team and we met at a camp a month before going to school. She actually left the camp to try out for The Voice. During freshman year we lived in the same building across the hall from each other. I always loved hearing her play the guitar and sing while I was studying.

Recently she has put a lot of focus into her singing career and has launched an album titled Between The Lines.  It is available on spotify as well as iTunes!

I highly suggest you check out Jocelyn's music

1 comment:

  1. Added you and your blog to my favorites on the side bar of my blog!
    -Bailey from crispinthefalll.blogspot.com
