Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Obsession: Fruit Infused Water

Over the summer I worked on drinking more water on a daily basis.  I achieved my goal, but sometimes I drink so much water that I get sick of it.  Early in the summer I read an article on water consumption and how important it is to your health.  You should drink half of your body weight, in ounces, of water each day.  For example if you weigh 130 pounds, then you should drink 65 ounces of water each day.  

In order to add a little flavor to my water I have been infusing it with fruit.  This small change makes a huge difference, and it is a lot healthier than drinking juice.  My favorite fruit infused water includes lemons and strawberries.  

Pinterest has tons of recipes of fruit infused water too.

What's your favorite fruit infused water recipe?


1 comment:

  1. I really need to get into this. It sounds like such a good way to get into the habit of drinking more water. And I'm sure most people could use some help doing that. Once I get settled into my new apartment, I'll be using those recipes you posted!
