Saturday, July 18, 2015

I Scream, You Scream

We all scream for ice-cream!
This Sunday is National Ice Cream Day!

Ice cream has been one of my favorite foods ever since I can remember.  Surprisingly, I don't have a favorite flavor.  This past week my mom, brother, and I took a little adventure and did a creamery tour. Where we live there are several creameries within an hour of driving. We ended up going to three different locations. You may have seen me talking about it here

We each got a small cup of ice cream (Peach, Turtle, and Motor Oil).  The ice cream was delicious, although it did make us really thirsty afterwards. We enjoyed our sweet treats on picnic tables outside the actual ice-cream shop.  The farmhouse on the property had gorgeous landscaping filled with hydrangeas. 

This was our shortest stop. Word of advice, look up a farm's hours before trying to go. We got to the farm and they were closed. I'm sure we will try to go back there again someday, but it ended up working out because eating ice cream three times in one day would have been a bit much. 

Stop 3: Kilby Cream
Yet another creamery located on a local farm.  This stop was my favorite of the three. The ice-cream was some of the best that I have ever tasted.  For this stop I got cow dough, otherwise known as cookie dough, in a waffle cone.  This was hands down one of the best waffle cones I have had.  The farm was adorable.  The ice cream shop was filled with cow decor and had puns like "cow tipping is appreciated". 

How to Celebrate National Ice Cream Day:
If you are looking for something fun to do this summer to cool off, then I highly recommend a DIY creamery tour! If you can't get to a creamery this weekend to celebrate National Ice-cream Day, then I found some things you can make with ice-cream at home. Photos courtesy of Pinterest. 

Happy National Ice Cream Day!



  1. I love how they set up that ice cream bar, it's so adorable! I've always wanted to go on a creamery tour, but unfortunately my dad isn't a really big ice cream person. We do have this local farm, Huber's, that has amazing ice cream though. We went there to pick strawberries and when we were done we tried the ice cream. I don't remember the exact name of the flavor I had, but I do remember that it was pretty much chocolate with a side of chocolate and a drizzle of some more chocolate. It was so creamy and delicious! If you're ever in southern Indiana, I suggest you make a stop at Huber's! It's such a nice little farm and they have events for every season!

    Running Alyssa

  2. Happy Ice Cream Day! Sadly, we don't have any creameries near my town, but I love your Pinterest suggestions!


  3. Ice cream is my downfall when it comes to dessert. After reading this I'll be heading downstairs to find some ice cream to eat.
