Monday, June 2, 2014


June has arrived! I cannot believe that yesterday was June 1st already. I'm starting to realize just how quickly this summer is going to go by for me.  June is definitely going to be a busy month.

Some highlights of the month include four more weeks of summer classes, the start of summer field hockey, Fault In Our Stars will be out in the theaters, working, and ending the month in Atlanta.

I have set a few goals for myself.
The first and probably the biggest goal, is to get an A in each of my summer courses.  I've quickly been hit with the realization that summer classes are a ton of work.  I definitely am up for the challenge, even if it takes a little bit of time away from my summer. 

My second goal is start running more.  I'm hoping to get a run in, at least, three days a week. It's time to get back into shape. 

The third goal I've created, for myself, is to cross two more things off my 101 in 1001 day list.

What goals have you set for this month?



  1. I also want to run more this summer! Maybe we can keep each other accountable? I find I love running during the summer since I have more free time and more energy and willpower to work out. But it's also hard to balance working out in the summer heat and working it around my schedule. When do you like to run? I'm hoping to sign up for a 5k this summer! Good luck with your goals and I can't wait to hear updates! xo, gina

  2. so exciting you are coming to ATL!!! :)

  3. Those are great goals! I'm also hoping to work out more and cross a few things off my summer bucket list.
