Thursday, November 14, 2013

Snack Time

Snack time is the best time! In case you didn't know already, I love food!  I try to eat healthy, and I am all about food that tastes good and is good for you.  Everyone enjoys trail mix, so I wanted to share with you my version of "trail mix".  

It is quite simple and super easy to make.
Ingredients: Walnuts, craisins, and Ghirardelli chocolate chips.

I usually buy a bag of the chocolate chips and then I buy the other ingredients in the bulk section of the grocery store.  Pour all three ingredients into one container, mix it up, and enjoy.
This snack is perfect to keep in your purse or backpack , just make sure the chocolate doesn't melt.  I usually always have this with me.  It is a nice nutty, sweet, and chocolaty combination.  Also, it is not that bad for you.  There are a lot of unhealthier snacks out there that you could indulge in.



  1. Yum!! This looks so delish! I love experimenting with trail mix. I loveee butterscotch chips in mine, for some reason!

  2. This looks delish, I think it would be great to put out during parties as well!

  3. that looks delicious! nuts are so nutritious and they taste so good with craisons!!

    M. From The Preppy Student

  4. This looks sooo good!
