Monday, July 8, 2013

Change of Plans

What was supposed to be a family day trip to the beach on Saturday turned into a nice weekend beach trip with my family and friends.  We ended up going down Friday night and staying with our family friends until Sunday night.  No complaints from this girl, I am a beach freak.  I have made it to the beach seven days so far this summer...not to bad considering its the first week in July and the beach is two hours from where I live.

Friday night we learned a new card game called Hand and Foot.  It is a little confusing at first, but after a few rounds it becomes quite simple.  It is a great game for a large group.  We played with eight people.  It kept us up late both Friday and Saturday night.  There are many variations to the game, if you Click here you can find the rules and figure out how to play. 

 Rehoboth Beach, DE is such a cute town with great opportunities to do some shopping.  Saturday morning sQs and I headed into town to do some "browsing". First we stopped at the Pink Crab (Rehoboth's Lilly P store).

I finally got my new Lilly agenda.  Let me tell you how excited I am to actually start using this!  I had one of these last year and I couldn't resist getting another one for this year.  They are worth every penny of the $28 that you pay for it. 

 sQs also bought me a koozie.  This pattern is actually what my old agenda was, and I love it!

The last time I was down at the beach I saw this bag.  I decided to wait to buy it, so when we went into the store and it was the last one there I knew it was meant to be. I had to get it! It's a cute black bag, such a classic.

Next we headed into Browse About Books.  This is such a cute book store.  With the reading groove I have been in lately I couldn't resist buying a couple books.  I figured it is good to support a local store, and since I am going to the beach for a week next week I will be in need of a good beach read. 
I bought two books, which I am positive I will blog about sometime in the near future. 

For those of you who follow me on instagram (which I encourage you too) have already seen this picture! 
 Instagram: mquiggles3
Anyways, we ended our morning of shopping with a nice Iced chai from our favorite little coffee shop, The Coffee Mill.  It was in the 90s and really humid, so this was very refreshing!

We usually go on the beach in the afternoon and stay there past seven. Where we go to beach once the lifeguards leave at five you can bring your dog on the beach, so the beach transforms into a giant dog park/ happy hour around 5:15. 
sQt (my brother) is on the left, K (my oldest friend- we've known each other since we were three) is to the right of me, then his brother D, and his other brother R.  Our families are so close we are basically like cousins. 

It wouldn't be a complete day on the beach without some Strawberry lemonade and Mango Planet Ice water ice.  They have people who drive on golf carts up and down the beach selling the best water ice.  It is thirst quenching and incredibly refreshing after you have been sitting in the heat all day. 

Sunday was a gorgeous beach day! Hot with a nice cool breeze.

While we were walking in Dewey Beach to get lunch on Sunday we popped into a store and sQs bought me these earrings.  $12 such a steal! I love them!

 Last night I came home to flowers in my room.  tDn snuck in while we were gone and left them for me.   They were cherry topper to a great weekend.

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!


  1. What a fun weekend!!!! My husband was at the Delaware beach with our kids over the weekend...I wish I could have gone too! Love the shops, especially the Pink Crab!

  2. Looks like a great weekend! I would love to be able to spend the weekend at the beach.

  3. Have been really wanting a Lilly adgenda! But couldn't decide if it was worth it or not, so I'll take your word for it! And it looks like you had so much fun at the beach. I soooo wish I lived that close! That would be amazing!
