Friday, April 5, 2013

Dressing for Spring and Wishing for Summer

Happy Friday!

Let me tell you how this weather just has me so confused.  One day it is warm and the next it is rather chilly.  I never know how to dress appropriately for these varying temperatures.  It's that awkward time of year when I'm sitting in class and a girl to the left of me has flip flops on while the girl to the right has uggs and her north face on.  Like seriously not okay.  

Personally I feel the appropriate shoe choice for this time of year are flats, sperrys, and toms.  You just can't go wrong with either of those three shoes.  Below are some of my favorite shoe choices for this time of year.  I obviously don't own all of these.  I have the navy TOMS and the completely tan Sperry topsiders.  

On a different note: I survived my paper writing stress filled week! 
The weather today was gorgeous, so I went for a run this afternoon.  I don't remember the last time I went running outside, so I really enjoyed being outside in the fresh air.  The nice thing about my college is that it is located on the eastern shore of Maryland, which means we have a beautiful river front.  I ran about two and a quarter miles total.  I ran through campus, into town, down to the river, and  back.   I haven't been running much lately so my time was not what I would have liked it be, but at least I was out doing something fitness related.  You have to start somewhere.  This winter most of my fitness was focused primarily on lifting because I was training with my team, mandatory workouts with our personal trainer.  In becoming acquainted with the gym this winter, I discovered my love for the stationary bike.  I biked just about every day so my legs are strong, yeah! Anyways... I'm glad it is finally getting to be running weather, though, because I was starting to get bored with my same view from the bike every day. 

This is the water front I ran past while I was out enjoying this, long awaited, Spring day!



  1. I just got the crochet black Toms and I love them! For the rest of summer and spring I will be in Toms and Sperrys!!

  2. Since my puppy ate my boat shoes, I'm going to need to buy a new pair of Sperrys.
